1. Just like GANDHI JAYANTI is celebrated to mark the BIRTH ANNIVERSARY of MAHATMA GANDHI, KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI is celebrated to MARK THE BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF LORD KRISHNA. So LORD KRISHNA did EXIST on this very earth. He’s not a figment of some imagination.
  2. He was BORN  in 3102 BCE IN THE KARAGRAHA (JAIL) OF THE MATHURA JKINGDOM to Vasudev & Devaki. 
    1. Devaki was the sister of KAMSA – the KING OF MATHURA.
  3. He’s born on the 8th Day of the Krishna paksha (14 day Waning phase of Moon) of the Sravana month when Moon was aligned to the ROHINI NAKSHATRA.
  4. Devaki & Vasudev are put in jail by Kamsa because KAMSA has a supernatural experience during which he hears a voice that tells him that his sister’s 8th child will kill him.
  5. Kamsa decides to kill his sister right away and stops only when his brother-in-law begs him to spare their lives and promises that he him himself bring his new born babies to him as soon as they are born.
  6. Kamsa although spares their life, but puts them in LIFE IMPRISONMENT.
  7. Krishna is actually the 8th child of VASUDEV & DEVAKI. All of his 7 elder siblings are killed by KAMSA.
  8. Krishna is transported to Yashodha & NAND MAHARAJ house by VASUDEV the very night he’s born amidst heavy rain & thunderstrom.  VASUDEV switches YASHODHA’s baby girl with baby Krishna and rushes back to the MATHURA JAIL with the baby girl.
  9. When the JAIL Guards get to know of the birth of a baby they inform KAMSA who comes and takes the baby away and has a supernatural experience when he tries to kill it. He gets to know the baby is GODDESS DURGA who tells him that his killer is ALREADY BORN.

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