Generally people would say EVIL EYE / NAZAR is all superstition, but people who have experienced it first hand (especially when children fall sick after returning from a birthday party where they shined like a star or when your BRAND NEW MOBILE slips from your hand and breaks just after you show it to a colleague or a friend or when you show of your BRAND NEW CLOTHES to your friends and cousin and within minutes it gets damaged). These things happen and they as much REAL as you and me.

But how does it happen, is there a scientific reason?

YES THERE IS. READ ON to know more.

I am sure all of us would have some basic IDEA OF ELECTROMAGNETS.

An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current

What does this electromagnet consist of

  1. There’s a BATTERY that produces DC electricity
  2. There’s a coiled copper-wire to carry the current
  3. There’s an IRON NAIL – its simply a conductor

Now think o the HUMAN BODY

  1. There’s a BRAIN – we know BRAIN PRODUCES ELECTRIC PULSES – we can consider it to be a BATTERY
  2. We have the NERVOUS SYSTEM – which has the nerves that carry the ELECTRIC IMPULSES from the brain
  3. Now we are made up of 70% WATER and everyone knows WATER is a GOOD CONDUCTOR of ELECTRICITY.
  4. The only difference between humans & electromagnets is that that – electromagnets have a COILED WIRE & a STATIC (Non moving) CONDUCTOR, whereas we have a STATIC WIRE (Nerves) & DYNAMIC CONDUCTOR (BLOOD which is 90% water keeps circulating in the body). But the effect is the same.

So essentially all of us have a personal ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD that’s has been created by us. This is usually called the AURA in common parlance.

The next thing that we need to understand is MAGNETIC INTERFERENCE.

Calm down! Its just a fancy science name for the reason behind the ATTRACTION & REPULSION of MAGNETS

Extrapolating this to HUMAN’s since we are BIO-ELECTROMAGNETS too

A strong THOUGHT in the MIND / BRAIN can create a VERY STRONG IMPULSE which can send out a STRONG MAGNETIC FLUX towards another person.

Sometimes this MAGNETIC FIELD can be SO STRONG that it can ALTER THE MAGNETIC FIELD of the person at the receiving end of it. Babies & toddlers especially have very weak MAGNETIC FIELDS cause their BRAIN is in the DEVELOPMENTAL stage where its in reception mode.

So this ROGUE MAGNETIC FIELD from another person effects the MAGNETIC FIELD of the baby / child which in turn changes flow of current hence the SOOKSHMA SHARIRA GETS AFFECTED, the CHAKRAS get affected.

Chakras being the interfaces between the BRAIN the ORGANS, effect the organs.

People who know basics about CHAKRAS will know

  1. FEVER is caused by imbalance in the HEART or the ANAHATA CHAKRA
  2. COLD / throat infection is caused by the imbalance in the VISHUDHA or the THROAT CHAKRA
  3. DIARRHEA / LOOSE MOTION will be caused by imbalance in the MANIPURA or the STOMACH CHAKRA
  4. HEADCHES will e caused by the imbalances in the AJNA CHAKRA which is in the middle of the EYEBROWS.


  1. You will need make all the people in you HOME sit FACING EAST to LIGHT CAMPHOR & CIRCUM-AMBULATE throughout your house and show the light of the burning camphor to all the NOOKS & CORNERS of your house. CAMPHOR has the property to suck the negative energy from the atmosphere and spread positive energy.

  2. Make all the people at home sit facing east during sunset and get the ELDEST LADY (guys can also do it. No offense to them) OF THE HOUSE to during sunset and light the camphor and make 3 BIG CIRCLE SWIRLS in clockwise direction and 3 in the anti-clockwise direction (he circles should be big enough so that all the people are inside the circumference). This camphor has to e KEPT OUTSIDE the house until it burns out. Ensure no one stamps on it, goes across it or extinguishes it.
  3. You can do the same with SALT too instead of CAMPHOR  do the same.. Only difference is  how you dispose it. In case of camphor you let it burn out outside of your house where as in case of SALT you DRAIN it out through your KITCHEN SINK.
    1. Here’s the science behind why is salt used
    2. If you take a teaspoon of salt and place it on the table, you will find that it has become SOGGY & DAMP

    3. This is because SALT is HYGROSCOPIC in nature. Meaning – absorbs moisture from the air. But the reality is that SALT absorbs much more than just moisture. It also absorbs the ENERGIES around the place.

    4. This property of SALT is the reason why its used for removing EVIL EYE / NAZAR


18 thoughts on “EVIL EYE / NAZAR / DHRISHTI – the SCIENCE BEHIND IT & how you GET RID OF IT!”

  1. Thank you for explaining it so well..many of our traditions really do have Science behind it…right from lighting lamps to putting a simple rangoli outside our homes…

  2. Thanks for your KIND WORDS. Traditions became traditions and got passed from one generation to the other because they worked.
    The current generation is high WESTERN EDUATION & WESTERN MEDICINE hence has started questioning these tradition. But when the problems appear, people have to fall back on these albeit without understanding it. So this article is a effort to look at one of the traditions from a scientific perspective.

  3. Sorry Punditjee, can't accept your explanation. You should try to find a way to stop the protein spike on the coronavirus from entering the receptors on healthy cells.

  4. Good analysis…
    Which is help to understand the science behind every act of our old age people , they or myself also not able to explain behind this.
    Thanks lot once again srinivasanji.

  5. There are multiple ways.
    DO CHANDI HOMA / HAVAN at home.
    You can also do PRYATINGARA HAVAN. Make sure you do a havan for yur family deity before you do any of this. Also chant the KAVACHA MANTRA of your family deity.
    Another is listen to RUDRAM / CHAMAKKAM everyday
    One is to chant GAYATHRI MANTRA, this will take time but it will protect you for a very long time.

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