Horoscopes matching involves the following stages.
  1. Nakshatra match
    1. Thus is the 1st stage. I’d also called “GUNN MILAAP”
    2. It’s the score out of 36.
    3. 22 is minimum. 25 and above is great.
  2. Lagna/Ascender alignment check
    1. Ensure the lagna’s are not in 6:8/2:12 alignment. Personality clashes are grantees if such a combination exist.
  3. Dash sandhi
    1. Ensure atleast a difference of 6 months btw changes in Dash of the boy and the girl. Else the period gets tumultuous.
  4. Planetary alignment check
    1. Ensure no morw than 2 planets are in 6:8/2:12 positions (when you compare the rasi chart
    2. Planets in such alignment will cause trouble for the couple.
    3. If you ensure 7:7 alignment, such planets will support the other. And it will help overcome the issues.
  5. Navamsa check
    1. Navamsa will show lot of minute details of the individuals
    2. If a certain aspect is weak in the Navamsa of one person, it has to be ensured that the same aspect is stronger foe the other person to nullify the bad aspect.
So ýeah when horoscopes are matched, it’s always good to ensure that the horoscopes compliment each other.
For example if the girl has progeny issues showing up in her horoscope, the boys horoscope has to be such that it’s absolutely strong when it comes to progeny. Like say you have Jupiter as the Lord of the 5th house placed nicely in the rasi chart.
Even the Navamsa charts need to be scrutinised.
Matching does not mean effects are nullified. Unless someone has checked for nullification of such effects.

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