How does it make sense to consider the GRAHAS as Devtas (LIVING BEINGS in HUMAN FORM)?


Well, good question. I also had this doubt initially.

Lets consider THE SUN for example. I am referring to the STAR that’s closest to the EARTH and gives us light.

Sun is 99.86% of the total mass of the solar system. Its 330,000 times the mass of earth.

This is the definition of SUN on WIKIPEDIA –Sun – Wikipedia

If you bear with me or a moment, Ants are the creatures with the LARGEST POPULATION in the world in terms of numbers. – – Which Life form Dominates EARTH?.

Now in a hypothetical future (entertain me for a moment here), Ants become more intelligent and they send a probe to find what we humans are made of. Say to a graveyard where the dead are buried or maybe even on PEOPLE WHO ARE ALIVE

What will they find

65% – Oxygen

18% – Carbon

10% – Hydrogen

3% – Nitrogen

4% – Others

We are 65%-70% water, so by the common logic they are going to call us WATER BODIES with some CARBON, Nitrogen other minerals.

We are very different looing from ANTS, so what would obviously think we are bodies which are an encapsulation of the above materials.

But is that what we write in our CV’s?

  1. We are son’s, daughters, parents, spouse’s, cousins.

  2. We are working professionals, students, businessmen, teachers, architects, scientists, accountants, insurance agents, yoga experts, astrologers, spiritual gurus.

Modern Science has reached only to the point of knowing WHAT THE SUN the other planet are made up of. It will be rather naïve to think they are just that much.

There should be no doubt that SUN is the very reason for ALL THE LIFE on PLANET EARTH. Even scientists vouch for it – here’s a link to an article from NASA WEBSITE – The Sun & Us 

Here’s another article from NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC – The Power of SUN 

Now common sense gives us enough sense to understand that – ONLY LIFE CAN (RE)PRODUCE LIFE, a non living thing no matter how complicated and technologically advanced cannot produce one of its own.

For example

  1. Living Things
    1. a bacteria can multiply (for those thinking about giving an example of a virus – a virus is a non living thing, it needs a living cell to multiply)
    2. a mosquito can procreate and make many mosquitos,
    3. a centipede can procreate,
    4. fishes & birds lay eggs.
    5. Humans – not only reproduce but also have developed the ability to make plants and animals re-produce (although at the micro level its still nature taking its course). That’s how we get vegetables and fruits and non-vegetarian food (meat)
  2. Non-living things
    1. You cannot get a 2 bricks of the same size from a brick.
    2. a computer cannot reproduce another computer
    3. a tesla cannot reproduce another tesla
    4. a SPACE X rocket cannot produce another space x rocket.

So, if the SUN is the reason for MANY FORMS OF LIVES on PLANET EARTH, it CANNOT BE a NON-LIVING entity. It will be sheer LACK OF COMMON SENSE & IMAGINATION to think of SUN to be a NON-LIVING ENTITIY.

I hope you understand where I am going with this.


I hope you understand where I am going with this.

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