How does wearing a RUDRAKSH change your life?

The Rudraksha Mala I have with me has come from my paternal grandfather to my father and then me.
I frankly can’t remember when I started wearing it, but I am sure it’s at least since 2008.
Also, since it’s a Mala, I wear it during my daily Pooja routine (typically 30 mins to an hour) or during any other special Pooja / HOMAM (Yagna / havan) at home.
I never bothered about how many “Mukhs” the Rudraksha has or anything else. I just consider it as a blessing from my grandfather. But for the sake of adding more information to this answer I checked and found mine is a PANCHAMUKHI rudraksha mala.
I think to put in very simple terms the RUDRAKSHA is slowly making me more and more SATVIK as time goes. Its about leading a simple, humble and happy life.
Real world changes
  1. ZERO FOUL LANGUAGE / CUSS WORDS – Given that I spent my formative years in kanpur / Delhi, foul language and cuss words were part of my vocabulary . Now I have Completely stopped using foul language
  2. ZERO ROAD RAGE – I stay in Bangalore and travel about 2.5 -3 hrs ONE WAY to reach my workplace. I used to hate it and it made me very angry. Now I use the time to listen to discourses on the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavath Gita, Srimad bhagavatam etc. In fact I look forward to the commute now.
    1. lost my father at 23,
    2. lost my brother at 28 (that’s when my paternal GRANDFATHER’S RUDRAKSHA came to me (it was bequeathed to me while cleaning up the Puja Graha of my father’s Apartment in Pune). A cousin of mine who was an eye witness to the entire episode went into depression and was on medication for about 3 months.
    3. I lost my Mother at 32. The RUDRAKSHA not only saved me from going into depression but made me SUPER POSITIVE.
    1. I cracked a job interview just 4 months from my mother’s demise, and not just that I also got a 50% hike – it was double of the industry average
    2. I also bought my current apartment about 10 months from my mother’s demise and that too it was after coercing a big builder (MANTRI) to PAY BACK the seed money (the 20% of the capital required to get a home loan) that got stuck with them for more than 2 years cause the project got stalled because of some legal hassles
    3. I met my future wife two months after my mother’s 1st year rituals (It was an arranged marriage setup). Marriage happened 4 months later. This was nothing less than a miracle cause I had was 33 years old and way past the prime marriageable age. I was looking for someone who was a career woman, god fearing, religious, vegetarian, non smoker & alcohol free too. It was a very tall order. I had met 10–11 people before (in the 3–4 year period before that). With my wife it clicked so well that our 2nd conversation lasted for 8 hours. We never looked back.
    1. I prefer listening to discourses related to our scriptures and epics like the BHAGAVAD GITA, SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM, RAMAYANA, MAHABHARATA, vedas, puranas and upanishads.
    2. this has enabled me to understand life and the purpose of life with so much clarity
  6. HAPPIER THAN EVER & CONTENDED – I feel quite happy and contended with whatever life has blessed me with. Its not that I am not ambitions or sincere or hard working, but I am happy & contended.
  7. PRODUCTIVITY & CREATIVITY – a direct impact on the WORK I DO. Cause I am in a happy stress free state of mind, my productivity as well as creativity has increased
  8. ASTROLOGY – this was nothing less than a gift from the almighty and when I look back I realize that THIS SIDDHI WAS ORDAINED ON ME ONLY AFTER I WORE THE RUDRAKSHA MALA in 2008 and my predictions have been SPOT ON since then. I never thought I could ever, but its a reality. So a lot of people recommended that the blessing had come my way to enable many people to benefit from it. So I started my blog Pundit Srini where I also take requests for prediction. I charge a fee too cause I don’t wish to create any AGAMI KARMA for the requester and its a lot of effort. Also that I donate the proceeds to OLD AGE HOMES, CHILDREN’S HOMES & temples.
  9. MORE EMPATHY & CHARITY – I do charity regularly & frequently than ever before
  10. BETTER UNDERSTANDING of SANATANA DHARMA – I realized the real meaning of each one to his own. That it was not about following one tradition or one text or one deity which was the only right thing. SANATANA DHARMA was about leading a life of humility, humbleness and simplicity and having a purpose of life which was about being helpful to others in some way. It was also about everyone having a right to choose a way to ENLIGHTENMENT that was right for them.
  11. MORE OPEN MINDED & TOLERANT – I have developed a STRONG FAITH in the ADVAITA PHILOSOPHY – which essentially says there’s just ONE SINGLE TRUTH and that reality is the existence of this super intelligence / super consciousness that is responsible for creating everything and its there inside everyone & everything. So if everyone has the same thing inside, it essentially means everyone is same – including insects, animals, humans, male / female, everything. So that’s a great reson to practice EMPATHY & EQUALITY & TOLERANCE
  12. QUORA
    1. the thought of ALWAYS BEING HELPFUL to others
      1. I got initiated into QUORA because of my wife. She sent me a couple of articles which was about sufferings of a lady in a bad marriage. I got in so that I COULD SPREAD SOME POSITIVITY in the world.
      2. I also started writing about several topics to genuinely help people out of their misery. A lot of my initial posts were on CAREER GUIDANCE and MBA courses, MS courses other than Astrology..
      3. The result – I was named a TOP WRITER in 2018 (click HERE to check my profile)
    2. I have better understanding of SANATANA DHARMA
      1. To my surprise, I found so much good stuff and I got hooked.
      2. Quora became a source of ENLIGHTENMENT for me.
    3. I created SEVERAL SPACES to spread the POSITIVITY
      1. INDIA and the world – to help people read about the GOODNESS of INDIA
      2. The REAL HISTORY OF INDIA – I wanted this to be a repository of all the GREAT HISTORY about INDIA (from QUORA WRITERS) that’s never taught in school.
      3. Career,Passion,Happiness – to help people with their careers
      4. INDIAN-Temples&Traditions – I wanted this SPACE to be a repository of information about INDIAN TEMPLES & TRADITIONS (ASTROLOGY, AYURVEDA, VEDIC TEXTS, PURANAS, UPANISHADS etc)
The TRI GUN – SATVIK, RAJASIC & TAMSIC are the basic tenets of any human being. Only that they occur in difference proportions in different people.
TAMSIC GUN – is a PLEASURE SEEKING desire for personal happiness. It can be sex, food, money, alcohol, travel anything.
RAJASIC GUN – is about a desire to ACCOMPLISH / DO SOMETHING for personal happiness, others may also benefit from it but its just a BY PRODUCT
SATVIK GUN – is about desire to DO GOOD FOR OTHERS for others happiness and well being.
In short, and on the basis of my personal experience what the RUDRAKSHA does is
  1. In a TAMSIC person – it will induce RAJASIC thoughts
  2. In a RAJASIC person – it will induce SATVIK thoughts
  3. In a SATVIK person – it will push him / her towards enlightenment.

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