Is VEDIC ASTROLOGY scientific?

There’s no newspaper in the WORLD that HAS NOT COVERED THIS NEWS.
Do you know why black holes are so important to us.
two theories that explain things quite well and are internally consistent within their domains. These are, general relativity (Physics of the BIG) and quantum field theory (Physics of the SMALL). General Relativity is really good at explaining the universe and its’ relationship to gravity for things that are really large and massive. This would include, Galaxies, Stars,..etc. Quantum Field Theory, on the other hand, does a real good job of explaining the structure of matter and energy interactions at the very small level, the level of atoms, molecules and sub-atomic particles (things that also have low mass).
So far so good. Both models work fine when they stay within their domains. Big and massive for General Relativity and small and low-mass for Quantum Field Theory. Other than that, they are completely incompatible with each other. And, of course, there’s the sticky problem of gravity. Which, highlights where the things get complicated. When you look at a domain that is small-scale, but, high mass, say, a Black Hole, the theories are in conflict.
So, the search has been on to find a way of reconciling the two theoretical frameworks into something that resolves the issues across domains and their relationship with gravity.
Here comes the Super String Theory, which basically is a theory that works on both these worlds. It basically says that every sub-atomic particle, from an electron to a quark to a photon to a boson are formed because a FILAMENT of ENERGY that’s vibrating like a STRING at a specific frequency and that’s the basis of all quantum particles.
But there’s one big issue with STRING THEORY, it needs 10 dimensions to be valid MATHEMATICALLY – 6 more dimensions that the 4 we already know (Length, breadth, height & Time).
Think of your CLOTHES LINE going across your balcony / terrace that you use for drying clothes. When there are no clothes hanging on it, It would almost be invisible for anyone who doesn’t know its presence.
Or think of KITE STRINGS – which cause many accidents because they are not visible to commuters.
Although its looks like its just one dimension, but it does have a cross section which is quite enough for a RED ant to walk on it.
Similarly STRING THEORY suggests that there are 6 such hidden dimensions that are so small that Physicists have not been able to see them but they exist and they are curled up in each other and their shape determines the particle.
Here’s how (at 40:31)
Greatest THEORETICAL PHYSICISTS of the world are trying to use this model to explain how physics of the BIG (GRAVITY) can effect the PHYSICS of the SMALL (Quantum particles).
It tells you how change in angles of planets (ie gravity from the movement of planets in our solar system) effects a particular human being (who is essentially made up of of neutrons, protons and electrons). This is more like an application of STRING THEORY.
For one moment if you could entertain me by agreeing that our ancestors were not the idiots we think them to be and that they were good with science and technology. We are slowly getting proof that our ancestors were intelligent people – Stone bracelet is oldest ever found in the world – 40,000 year old bracelet with a 0.8cm hole in it. Scientists say this cannot be done without a modern high speed drill)

We also have proof that a comet hit the earth 12,800-13,000 years ago which destroyed entire civilizations –

Can you at least deduce that our ancestors were intelligent people and someone many thousands of years ago either

  1. understood STRING THEORY Is it possible, maybe, maybe not .  or 
  2. observed these patterns of how change in position of planets effected humans, deduced the essence and passed it down the generations. Why don’t we benefit from it.
I know a lot of people will call my theory of convergence between STRING THEORY and ASTROLOGY a hypebole, but science is about having an open mind and trying to understand & explain nature who knows in the years to come my theory will be proved true.

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