The 21-Jun-2020 Solar Eclipse – Do’s & Don’t- effected nakshatras, Parigaram & Sankalpam.

Date Time Type Visibility
June 21, 2020 From 09:16 AM to 2:17PM Annular Solar Eclipse (Partial Eclipse visible in India) India and other Asian countries, Australia
The first solar eclipse of 2020 will take place on June 21. This will be an annular solar eclipse, during which the Moon will cover the Sun from the centre leaving a ring of light visible in the sky.

 From India, the annular phase will be visible in the morning from some places within a narrow corridor of the northern part of the country (parts of Rajasthan, Haryana, and Uttarakhand) and it will be seen as partial solar eclipse from the rest part of the country.

Obscuration of the Sun by the Moon at the time of greatest phase of the partial eclipse will be around 94 percent in Delhi, 80 percent in Guwahati, 78 percent in Patna, 75 percent in Silchar, 66 percent in Kolkata, 62 percent in Mumbai, 37 percent in Bangalore, 34 percent in Chennai, 28 percent in Port Blair.

You can find out for other  cities   from this)

Place Starting time Maximum Eclipse at Ending Time
Bangalore 10:12 AM 11:47 AM 1:31 PM
Chennai 10:22 AM 11:59 AM 1:41 PM
Mumbai 10:00 AM 11:37 AM 1:27 PM
Delhi 10:20 AM 12:01 PM 1:48 PM
Kolkata 10:46 AM 12:35 PM 2:17 PM

This eclipse will be tough on people whose Janma Nakshatras are 

  1. Nakshatras owned by MARS
    1. Mrigashirisha (Owned by MARS) – directly affected
    2. Chitra – indirectly affected
    3. Dhanishta (Avittam) – indiretly affected
  2. Nakshatras owned by RAHU
    1. Aridra (Thiruvadirai) – directly affected
    2. Swati – indirectly affected
    3. Satabhisha (Sadhayam) – indirectly affected

The nakshatras that are partly affected by this Grahana are because they are owned by same planets (MARS & RAHU) which own the nakshatra where the eclipse is happening.

Many astrologers would consider a bunch of other nakshatras owned by MERCURY like Aslesha, Jyeshtha & Revati. But Mercury is aligned to PUNARVASU nakshatra (20 degree GEMINI) and is nowhere close to the eclipse which is happening in 4 to 6 degree Gemini in the partially affected list cause these nakshatras

I would recommend you can ignore all that. Just go with the above list.

Hence these people should do the “Janma Nakshatra Raksha Sloka” prescribed below (see item no 2.8). This is required only for people born in the NAKSHATRAS mentioned above who are living in the areas where this eclipse is visible.

As this eclipse will last for around 3-3.5 hours, the effect of this eclipse will last for 3 months.

These next  3 months (up till September) can be tough for India with regard to FINANCES

Do’s & Don’t during a SOLAR ECLIPSE
    2. stay indoors and cover the glass in your FRENCH WINDOWS & DOORS with NEWS PAPER. There are a lot of free radicals in the atmosphere during this time and it can cause damage the FETUS you are carrying in many ways than you can ever think of – it can cause DEFORMITIES and abnormalities- like a twisted ankle, or a hand with dis-proportionate fingers
    3. Keep away from sharp objects – knives, peelers, needles. So cutting / peeling vegetables, stitching / embroidery can wait. 
  2. Others
    1. Help block GLASS WINDOWS & DOORS with newspaper if you have PREGNANT WOMEN at your home.
    2. Don’t LOOK AT THE ECLIPSE with your NAKED EYES. It can SEVERELY damage your eyes.
    3. Don’t EAT or DRINK anything between starting and ending time in your city (old people & young children are exempted from this)
    5. If you have anything in the FRIDGE – milk/curd/vegetables – place a KUSHA / DARBA  grass over it. If that’s not available then atleast  TULSI leaves.
    6. No brushing teeth or combing your hair during the eclipse.
    7. Take bath when the ECLIPSE is just about to start. Avoid using HOT WATER. It can be at a temperature where you don’t feel cold. Again this rule is exempted for PREGNANT WOMEN, children & old people. 
    8. Chant 
      1. the GAYATHRI MANTRA during the eclipse. or 
      2. ॐ Adityaya Vidmahe Divakaraya Dhimahi Tanno Suryah Prachodayat
    9. Or if you are up for the challenge you may chant this WHILE TAKING BATH                          || सूर्य​ग्रहण पीडा परिहारा मन्त्रः ||
      योऽसौ वज्रधरो देव आदित्यानां प्रभुर्मतः ।
      सहस्रनयनसूर्य​ ग्रहपीडां व्यपोहतु ।।
      मुखं यस्सर्व देवानां सप्तर्चिरमितद्युति : ।
      सूर्योपरागसंभूतामग्नि: पीडां व्यपोहतु ।।
      यः कर्मसाक्षी लोकानां यमो महिषवाहन: ।
      सूर्योपरागोत्थां ग्रहपीडां व्यपोहतु ।।
      रक्षोगणाधिपस्साक्षात् प्रलयानिलस्सन्निभः ।
      करालो निरृतिसूर्य ग्रहपीडां व्यपोहतु ।।
      नागपाशधरो देवो नित्यं मकर वाहनः ।
      लोकाधिपतिसूर्य​ ग्रहपीडां व्यपोहतु ।।
      प्राणरूपोहि लोकानां वायु: कृष्णमृगप्रिय: ।
      सूर्योपरागसंभूतां ग्रहपीडां व्यपोहतु ।।
      योऽसौ निधिपतिर्देव: खड्गशूलधरो वर: ।
      सूर्योपरागसंभूतां कलुषं मे व्यपोहतु ।।
      योऽसौ शूलधरो रुद्रश्शड्करौ वृषवाहन: ।
      सूर्योपरागजं दोषं विनाशयतु सर्वदा ।।
      ||Surya Grahana Peeda Parihara Mantra ||
      Yosou vajradharo deva aadityanam prabhurmataha I
      Sahasra nayanasurya-graha peedam vyapohatu II
      Mukham yassarvadevanam saptarchiramitadyutihi I
      Suryoparaga sambhootam agni peedam vyapohatu II
      Yah karma saakshi lokaanam yamo mahisha vaahanaha I
      Suryoparaagothaam graha peedam vyapohatu II
      Rakshoganaadhipa saakshaat pralayanila sannibha I
      Karaalo nirutishsurya grahapeedan vyapohatu II
      Naga pashadharo devo nityam makaravahanaha |
      Lokadhipatish-Surya grahapeedam vyapohatu II
      Pranaroopohi lokaanam vayu Krishna mrugapriyaha I
      Suryoparaga sambhootam grahapeedam vyapohatu II
      Yosou nidhipatir devaha kadgashooladharo varaha I
      Suryooparagasambhootam kalusham me vyapohatu II
      Yosou shooladharo rudra-shankaro vrushavahanaha I
      Suryooparagajam dosham vinashyatu sarvada II
  3. This below procedure is SPECIFICALLY for people whose JANMA NAKSHATRA’s are getting affected during this eclipse.
    1. You need to take fresh white piece of cloth or a small piece of WHITE PAPER and write the below “Janma Nakshatra Raksha Mantra/slokam” with a patch of haldi (turmeric) or kumkum on this four corners of the paper and tie it around their head (like tennis players tie a sweat band around their head).
    2. This is called “Paripattam” in Sanskrit and we call it head band in English, displaying this mantra outside on their forehead. You also need to chant this Janma Nakshatra Raksha sloka minimum 11 times and upto 108 times during which the Paripattam/head band needs to be intact on your forehead till end of Grahana and not remove it. At the end of Grahana when you take bath again you may remove the paripatta (head band) and discard it either in water (running water / stream / river / sea).

|| जन्म नक्षत्र रक्षा श्लोकम् ||

इन्द्रो अनलो दण्डधारश्च रूक्षा: ।
पाशायुधो वायु कुबेर ईशाः ।।
कुर्वन्तु सर्वे मम् जन्म रक्षा ।
राशिस्थ सूर्यग्रहण दोष शान्तिम् ।।
|| Janma Nakshatra Raksha Sloka ||
Indra analo dandadharascha Rukshaha |
PASAyudho vAyu kubera Eshaha ||
Kurvantu sarve mama janma raksha |
Rashistha Surya grahana dosha ShAntim ||

Once the eclipse is over (For All)

  1. Take a bath
  2. Eat freshly cooked food. If you have prepared food before 8am, you can consume it if you would put KUSHA / DARBA GRASS or TULSI leaves before the eclipse started.
  3. Donate to a BRAHMIN PRIEST in a temple nearby or the needy in a day or two.
The Solar eclipse Tharpana has to be done after taking bath   as soon as   the solar  eclipse  starts(at least before the middle period)

The Sankalpa manthra for the Grahana  is

Sri Govinda Govinda.

Sri MahaVishno raagnaaya, Pravarthamanasya, Aadya Bramhane, Dwiteeya Parardhe,

Sri Swetha Varaaha Kalpe, Vaivaswatha Manvanthare, Kaliyuge, Prathama paadhe, Jambudweepe, Meror Dakshina bhage, Bharathavarshe, Bharatha Khande, Godavari Dakshina theere, Sannidhau, Asmin Varthamane, Vyavahaarike, Chaandramanena,

Shaarvaree nAma Samvathsarey Utarayane, Greeshma Ruthow, Mithuna Maase, Krishna pakshe, Amavasyayam Punyathithow vaasaraha vaasarasthu Indhu Vasara yukthAyAm, Mrigasheero nakshathra yukthAyAm, Kanta naama yoga, Naagava naama karaNa, evanghuna viseshena vishishtayAm AsyAm vardhamAnAyAm Amavasyayam punyathithow 
(pracheenA veethi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) 
  1. ……gothrANaam (Father’s Gothra to be recited), vasu rudra aditya svaroopAnAm asmath pithru pithAmaha prapitAmahAnAM 
    1. (if MOTHER IS NOT ALIVE) mAthru, pithAmahee prapithAmaheenAm 
    2. (if MOTHER IS ALIVE) PithAmahee, Pithu:Pithaamahee Pithu:PrapithAmaheenAm 
  2.  ….. gothrAnAm (Mother’s Gothra to be recited) vasu rudra Adhitya svaroopAnAm asmath sapatneeka mAtAmaha mAthup pithAmaha mAthup prapithAmahAnAm ubhayavamsa pithrunAm akshayya thrupthyarThamSooryo Paaraga PuNyakaala Shraaddham thila tharpana roopena adhya karishye.
(if you are doing HiranyaSraadhham then recite) Sooryo Paaraga PuNyakaala Shraaddham hiraNya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Start THARPANAM just at the time of MAXIMUM ECLIPSE and finish before it ends)

2 thoughts on “The 21-Jun-2020 Solar Eclipse – Do’s & Don’t- effected nakshatras, Parigaram & Sankalpam.”

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