What are some easy PRANAYAMA (yoga) hacks for daily life?


These are some YOGA techniques that can give you immediate relief for day to day issues

1. Bhramari pranayama (bee breath)

Is your mind buzzing with activity? Can’t stop thinking about what someone said about you? Find a quiet corner and try the Bhramari pranayama (bee breath) to apply brakes to the buzzing mind. This breathing technique is a boon for those with hypertension.

2. Kapal Bhati pranayama (skull shining breathing technique)

Among the breathing techniques, Kapal Bhati pranayama (skull shining breathing technique) is considered to be the most important. It is also useful for detoxifying the body and clearing the energy channels.

3. Bhastrika pranayama (bellows breath)

Feeling low on energy? Three rounds of Bhastrika pranayama (bellows breath) will get your energy levels soaring!

4. Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing technique)

Can’t concentrate on the task at hand? Try nine rounds of nadi shodhan pranayama (alternate nostril breathing technique) followed by a short 10-minute meditation. Nadi shodhan pranayama calms and centers the mind by bringing harmony between both the hemispheres of the brai

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