What happens when your Kundalini is awakened?

A little background first
I am a TAMIL IYER, I regularly do my SANDHYA VANDANA (at least in the last decade), am a vegetarian, ASTROLOGER, YOUTUBER, Finance professional, religious and spiritual. I am a BIG PROPONENT of ADVAITA VEDANTA and I am decent amount of interest and knowledge of our scriptures – bhagavad gita, bhagavat purana, Ramayanam, Mahabharat etc.
This is my personal experience, and it happened to me out of the blue, I was not looking or it or chasing it. In fact when it happened I didn’t even know what it was.
How it happened?
I took an online YOGA COURSE sometime ago. There were multiple reasons for doing this
  1. I put on a lot of few kilos after becoming a parent (over the last 2.5 years). I was not feeling good about it. I hit the gym (all thanks to my wife) around the end of December 2019 on persuasion from my wife.
  2. A potential health concern – The gym chain I was enrolled with also happened to have a discount on their full body (medical) checkup service and I had never done that before so I did take it up (I am bang in the middle of my SHANI SADE SATTI so wanted to be careful). The results were good overall but some parameters were borderline.
  3. Wife came back form office one day saying that her boss was surprisingly cool and calm that day (completely unlike him) and when asked said that it was because of a YOGA COURSE he had taken online.
It was quite in-expensive (just INR 1200) and started on a THURSDAY and ended on the SUNDAY and was from 6:30 am to 8:30 am. Thanks to the lockdown, this course got online and I did not have to go to work so voila I was in.
  • DAY 1 or 4 – they just taught some PRANAYAMA which had to be done while sitting in VAJRA ASANA (on your knees) . It was super tough. Not a good day
  • Day 2 of 4 – they taught certain breathing techniques but when they got us to do it, the online guidance was coming from a pre-recorded voice of their GURU (whom they called GURUDEV). I was a little surprised of why was this required. I don’t know why but gurudev’s voice was making me smile. I remember my wife asked me how the course was going and I gave a very nonchalant response. She was taken by surprise. VAJRASAN was PAINFUL
  • Day 3 of 4 – I decided I will not bother with the VAJRASAN and will sit cross legged. It was much better but again nothing much.
  • Day 4 of 4 – I went back to VAJRASAN and I was happy I could do all the PRANAYAMA’s in VAJRASAN (as it was deemed) and they asked us to do everything by ourselves (without any voice assistance). At the end of DAY 4 they came added us to a WHATSAPP group and included us in a 40 DAY challange. So everyday whenever people finished their routine they could message on the group.
The magic for me happened when I started doing it by myself. Initially I didn’t understand what was happening, I asked my ONLINE TEACHERS and they wouldn’t respond. It was while talking to a cousin I got to know that it was KUNDALINI AWAKENING cause her elder brother too had a similar experience sometime ago.
So I started reading up about KUNDALINI on QUORA and other places and my experience seemed quite similar. That’s when I realized why they were playing their GURUDEV’s voice cause they were doing some kind of initiation – also called Shaktipat
Here are my real experiences, nothing more, nothing less!
  1. During meditation
    1. First week
      1. It always starts with TINGLING in the feet
      2. Then my RIGHT PALM RIGHT FOOT would go cold
      3. Then I felt little giddy, (this happened initially, not now)
      4. Then I felt an orb of energy swirling inside me bouncing off inside he walls of my body which made its way to the top of my head and then it was bliss and ecstasy
      5. The next day this orb of energy was creating stretching sensations on my face especially around the eyes and cheek bones all the time feeling blissful and ecstatic
      6. A situation when I could not think about the future or the past, I just had to be there in that moment experiencing it.
    2. After 1st week
      1. Yawning during meditation
      2. Sweating – it starts with sweat droplets at the back and then sweat starts dripping from the face
      3. Headache (back & top of the head) sometimes later in the day
  2. After meditation
    1. Was able to completely free myself from drinking coffee / tea. My morning & evening cup of TEA was a necessity for me and it has been like that since eternity. I could never think of skipping it – come what may. Even if I am running late to office, I would have my GINGER TEA.
    2. Food intake has reduced by 50%. yes that’s TRUE. This has completely put my wife and in-laws into a tizzy. They can’t believe their eyes
    3. Feel super energetic all day
    4. There’s a sense of alertness like never before. I could pickup voices of people talking 2 rooms away.
    5. Also feel super positive and forgiving.
Please note, these are just my experiences. KUNDALINI AWAKENING experiences an be very varied. From what I have read, KUNDALINI AWAKENING can cause a lot of havoc in an individual’s life. So, please don’t think that this is how its going to be. It can be real bad sometimes. Its a powerhouse of energy and if you don’t have the circuits in place already in your brain it can blow it up. So BE CAREFUL

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