What’s the history of the MANGALSUTRA and why is it made up of GOLD?


The Marriage customs / traditions that we follow come to us from CHANDOYA UPANISHAD from SAGE SWETAKETU

He wrote down the rules of marriage and loyalty

As per HINDU MARRIAGE LAW – Ceremonies for a Hindu marriage.-(1) A Hindu marriage may be solemnized in accordance with the customary rites and ceremonies of either party thereto.

(2) Where such rites and ceremonies include the SAAT PHERE or saptapadi (that is, the taking of seven steps by the bridegroom and the bride jointly before the sacred fire), the marriage becomes complete and binding when the seventh step is taken.

Here’s the link for the same – https://highcourtchd.gov.in/hclscc/subpages/pdf_files/4.pdf

THE MANUSMRITI (6th century) does mention about a SINGLE YELLOW THREAD tied around the BRIDE’s neck during MARRIAGE to protect her from evil eye (DRISHTI/NAZAR).

But this thread would wear off in some days fall and that was ok. A fresh one would be tied again by the husband during NOOMBU (south Indian equivalent of KARVA CHAUTH)

The YELLOW THREAD was a VEDIC RITUAL but the wearing of a GOLD CHAIN all through married life was not at all but has become one in the last 200 years. Here’s more about that – ‘Thali or mangalsutra is not a Vedic tradition’

It was started to give a social standing to ARYA SAMAJ MARRIAGES (which allowed inter caste marriages, widow remarriages and marriages outside religious boundaries).

It became a symbol of married women and therefore out of bounds for guys looking for a spouse so everyone picked it up.

I would personally say it’s best to go with times – if the society and social circle and if especially your first circle of people (husband, in-laws) want you to wear then wear it for their happiness.

The MANGALSUTRA was always made off GOLD cause GOLD is yellow in color and its the DHATU (metal) that represents the planet Jupiter (also called GURU). Metals have been used as astrological remedies since time eternity cause they have the capacity to absorb and radiate certain kinds of energies. Since GOLD represents JUPITER (also called Guru), it’s believed that it will give SADBUDHI – the right intellect to make the right decisions.

The mangalsutra also works as a symbol of identification of a married women. So general thought process is that suitors May try and approach women for marriage if they are not wearing one. And without the mangalsutra there’s no effect of GURU to give the right intellect to make right decisions. See what’s happening to societies where women don’t wear this sort of thing – USA for example – not only husbands cheat on their wives even wives cheat on their husbands.

So I think it is a good idea to wear a mangalsutra. Its very much the need of the hour.


2 thoughts on “What’s the history of the MANGALSUTRA and why is it made up of GOLD?”

  1. You must be a fun guy to hangout with.
    I feel that we are discriminating against men.
    I wish all the husbands wear mangalsutra so that they get SADBUDHI.
    SADBUDHI should not be restricted to only women!

  2. Everyone needs SADBUDHI. But the way to get there is different. For men its through MANTRA SADHANA. For women the mantra sadhana was optional. It was said that the lady would automatically get 50% of the PUNYA from the SADHANA that her husband did. This was because the lady had to run the house, prepare food, take care of the children. Caring for the family was given very high importance and priority in the vedic age. Also please understand that children almost always loo to their mothers for any kind of support so it can be a huge setback to the family if the lady of the house was busy doing mantra sadhana while her family needed her. There's a story of SUN GOD his wife SAMJANA/SANJANA where SAMJANA (the daughter of VISHWAKARMA – the architect of the heavens) leaves surya and her 3 children and goes to the forest to do tapasya (mantra sadhana) and she send CHAYA, a doppelganger (look-alike) that she created. from her shadow. This messes up the entire family. Saturn is born out of Surya & CHAYA. Saturn hates his father SURYA. Thats the reason for celebrating MAAR SANKRANTI. When SUN enters CAPRICORN (a sign owned by Saturn)
    So, MAN-TRA related to the "MAN" or MIND and TANTRA related to the "TAN" or body. SO women were given TANTRA related things to tread the path of sadbudhi so that they can be there for their families. when they needed.

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