Why do people look for auspicious time? Are there any scientific reasons behind this?

Well, the trust on such things comes from empirical data. You try for yourself and if it works for you, you continue the practice.
Hindu scriptures consider TIME to be cyclic in nature. That’s the basis of the 4 yucas (SATYA, TRETA, DWAPAR & KALI). Also our years have a 60 year cycle.
So unlike the English calendar which starts 0AD and continues sequentially, Hindu calendars’s Are cyclic.
  1. 1 Samavatsara (year) = 2 Ayanas
  2. 1 Ayana (6 months) = 3 Ritu’s (Seasons)
  3. 1 Ritu = 2 Masa (Months)
  4. 1 Masa = 2 Paksha ( Shukla paksha and Krishna Paksha)
  5. 1 Paksha = 15 Ahoratram (24 hrs)
  6. 1 Ahoratram = 30 Muhurta (48 mins)
  7. 1 Muhurta = 2 Danda (24 mins)
I can go further but for the context in hand this is enough.
Now that we have a basic understanding of the units of time and an understanding that time is cyclic, let’s try to understand the concept of finding the appropriate time to do a particular job.
Let me give you an analogy that’s easy to understand.
Imagine you are going for a vacation and you need to catch a flight at 6:30 am on a particular day. Also to add to the situation, you have a stopover at a certain airport from where you will get your connecting flight.
Now for you 9 am flight you will have to consider the travel time to the airport, time for baggage check in and security check at the airport.
So if you need to enjoy your vacation, you will need to make it to the airport on time with buffer for baggage check and security clearance, and for that you will have to leave your home at a certain time to accommodate for traffic on you way to the airport.
If you don’t make it on time, you would probably miss your flight which would mess up the vacation for you and your family apart from a financial loss. You might be put on the next flight, but there’s no guarantee that you would make it to your connecting flight.
The same concept applies to looking for appropriate time for doing everything. If you need to get the best benefit out of something it ought to be started at the right time. Now the right time would be different for different jobs. Like what applies for a marriage would not apply for a medical procedure, what applies for house warming would not apply for buying a vehicle and so on and so forth.
Here’s some insight on how is the right time for a particular job determined.
At a very basic level it starts with the Moon cycles – there are 2 cycles of 14 days each
  1. Shukla Paksha or waxing period – period between new moon to full moon when the size of the moon increases on a daily basis
  2. Krishna Paksha or waning period – period between full moon to new moon when the size of the moon reduces on a daily basis.
Shukla Paksha is usually the preferred period for starting new thing – its considered that anything that’s started in this period will GROW. Moon we know causes LOW TIDES and HIGH TIDES in the seas and oceans of Eaarth. Similarly it causes low tides and high tides in one’s mind also. In general if you observe you would generally find people a lot calmer during Shukla Paksha and agitated during Krishna Paksha.
The Moon takes 28 days to 360 revolution, so it takes about 2.3 days to cruise through 1 sign (out of the 12 signs in the zodiac). Moons movement is represented through its alignment to the nakshatras (constellation of stars that are very far and therefore used as reference points). There are 27 nakshatras in total – Ashwini, Bharani, Krithika, Rohini, Mrigasherisham, Aaridra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Aslesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishaka, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Mula, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha, Sravanam, Dhanishta, Sadhayam, Poorvabhadrapada, uttarabhadrapada, Revati), but they also have English names.
Nakshatras represent the life force of nature. So when a nakshatra gets activated (when Moon gets aligned to it) it will direct nature’s force in a certain way.
Hence these nakshatras are segregates into 7 groups
  1. Sthira / Dhruva –
    1. Purpose – When you want something to last for a LONG TIME –
    2. Specific Activities – Marriage /Long Term Investments, commencement of a job, house warming, construction work
    3. Nakshatras – Rohini, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashada, Uttara Bhadrapada
  2. Chara
    1. These nakshatras help you move ahead. These are good for activities connected with motion & machinery. Whatever you do in these nakshatras would get repeated
    2. Good for travelling , buying vehicles, machines & animals
    3. Punarvasu, Swati, Shravana, Dhanishta & Shatabhisha
  3. Tikshana
    1. Good for plotting against enemies.
    2. Rituals related to ancestors (SHRADH), killing people & animals, cheating , tantra & black magic.
    3. Aridra, Aslesha, Jyeshtha & Mula
  4. Mridu
    1. Good for developing new relationships & starting new things
    2. Good for activities like Learning music, fine art, travelling, jewelry, wearing new clothes & making new friends.
    3. Mrigasirisha, Chitra, Anusha & Revati
  5. Misra
    1. These are suitable for religious work and vedic sacrificial rituals such as yagnas.
    2. Good for weddings, gas furnace work, electrolysis,= & electrical work and for taking tough decisions for general welfare
    3. Krithika & Vishakha
  6. Ugra
    1. These are nakshatra’s help you do things beyong your normal capacities.
    2. Surgeries, plotting against enemy, starting war / litigations, use of arms & ammunition, any work involving fire, act of poisoning.
    3. Bharani, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashada, Purva Bhadrapada
  7. Laghu / Shipra
    1. Anything that’s you require to bear fruit in short amount of time can be done in these nakshatras.
    2. Good for giving & taking, takng medicines, travelling, trading, construction. shop opening, acquisition of knowledge, forming partnerships
    3. Ashwini, Pushya, Hasta
Now if you ask me proof of that, its only empirical. ie you try and see if it checks out. If you need an analogy – all I can give you is that of a cell phone, you have EM waves being sent and received, although we can’t see or hear it, its still there and that’s why we are able to communicate using a mobile phone.
You will also need to check what is the nakshatra that suits you best among those available for doing a certain kind of work of your choice.
Next thing is the MUHURTA. Which is a 48 min period in a day when the nakshatra of your choice is active.
There are some other things over and above these things in certain cases which an Astrologer would know.
Now you will ask me how will a 48 minute period (Muhurta) period determine the complete extent of the success of the work you undertake which may be of a period longer than a month or a couple of month or even year.
In this case, I would ask you to think of it as analogous to a the time when a Spacecraft is being launched from Earth to go to MARS. The 1st stage rockets work for 12–17 mins only and that’s the time required to get out of EARTH’s atmosphere. Then these rockets are ejected, they are no longer needed. But by this time the spacecraft has already reached ESCAPE VELOCITY.
Hope, now your understand!

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