Why should you sit on the temple steps when returning from temples?


This rule applies to only SHIVA temples.

As LORD SHIVA IS BHOOTNATH, SHIVA temples are said to have a congregations of BHOOTS, these are energy entities remnant of ignorant people (people who don’t have an iota of an understanding of karma, cycle of life and death, where to go after death etc) who have lost their lives.

Some of these entities have sinned so much in their physical life and have no idea about what to do next. They cannot ascend to other realms like other souls.

Such confused souls wander in the areas where they would frequent when they were alive.

So while wandering if they bump into the congregation of such lowly energies happening in and around the shiva temple they just join the party. Very similar to when smokers anywhere in the world would always find someone with a spare cigarette and a matchbox and they would just simply join the party, share a smoke (pre covid – I don’t know about now :p).

If they associate with someone these energies can easily come along with the person. So, elders made it mandatory to sit on the footsteps of SHIVA TEMPLES while returning to ensure such energy entities are not carried back home.


3 thoughts on “Why should you sit on the temple steps when returning from temples?”

  1. Nadi remedies prescribe for dosha Nivarana only if it is told to do so on a particular day of remedy to undergo an Archana first on the name of the presiding deity without inclusion of yr Gotra, nor Nakshatra, but all in his name.

    The second Archana would be only in the name of the remedy seeker without including any other family members name. After the Aarti, Palm Leaf Nadi prescribed the seeker to just sit in a comfortable spot without talking to anybody nor moving from that spot for one and a half hours. Soon after this is over, remedy seeker leaves without turning back the side of the Temple, go home

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